Using the LO 1003 feature, Admins have the permission to edit borrower submitted applications.
Steps to resolve:
Occasionally borrowers may enter inaccurate data, such as too many or too little zeros, or a state the loan officer does not work in. With the LO 1003 feature, Admins can adjust these applications and resubmit.
- Find the loan page of borrower
- Select "view loan application"
- Go to the section of the loan and edit the data. Below example is of editing a property state:
- Resubmit the newly edited application:
- Note: Loan officers can only edit in-progress applications, NOT submitted. They will see this error:
- Users can only access their own loans/applications on the mobile app.
Using the LO 1003 feature, Admins have the ability to assist their teams and edit applications when needed.