This article explains the Mortgage Chat feature and how it will appear for Loan Officers and Agents.
Steps to resolve:
As messages are sent, push notifications will be sent out so that the recipient knows they got something. Like all push notifications, this option can be turned on/off as desired on the users phone settings.
Additional email notifications for unread messages can be turned on and off based on company settings.
- After logging into the Web Dashboard, a Loan Officer or Partner with contextual chat turned on will see a "Chat" menu option from the left navigation bar.
- Once the "Chat" menu opens, the screen will be split up into 3 main sections, showcasing a list of chat conversations to select, the messages, and an icon to the right of "Chat" to start a new message.
- Above the list of chat conversations, a "Mark all as read" link is available to remove all new message notifications.
- Unread message indicators show to the left of unread messages.
- Start a new conversation. Clicking on the 'Borrower:' line to the right will then pull down a menu of your list of contacts to select who to include in the new chat. Multiple contacts can be included in one chat.
- Search can also be used to search for existing conversations.
- A "Chat Disclaimer" will appear for the very first time to access the chat feature. Once a user clicks on the "Okay" button it will close and not appear again.
- A "Chat" menu option will be seen from the bottom menu of the app.
- Clicking on that will showcase a list of all chats that have been started, or are in progress between the Loan officer/Realtor and their borrowers.
- Unread messages will be marked with a dot to the left of the chat.
- Messages can also all be marked as read by tapping the "Mark all as read" option above the list of conversations.
- A new conversation can be created by tapping on the "pencil and paper" icon in the top right section of the screen.
- The "Disclaimer" option will display a popup where the message can be read. Tapping on "I Understand" will close out the window.
- After selecting any existing conversation, or starting a new one, you will be directed to a screen showing the conversation history.
- Tap in the text field at the bottom of the screen to enter and send a message.
- In addition to text, there is an attachment icon to the left of the text screen to include image attachments.
- Additional options can be accessed on a per conversation level by selecting the "i" information option in the top right corner of the screen.
Additional resources:
Published: 03/05/2024 Last Update: