A completed VOA report can be refined by a loan officer to exclude accounts.
Steps to resolve:
Follow the below steps to refine a completed VOA report. If accounts are excluded in error, by loan officer or the borrower when first completing the task, please "resend VOA request" to borrower to have them reconnect accounts as needed.
- From the Completed task tab, select the VOA task and 'View Order'.
- Mark the account not wanted and exclude.
- You will receive a confirmation bubble and new screen letting you know the change has been made and the new report will appear when ready.
- The newest report can be seen in the documents tab.
- From the Services section select "VOA".
- Select the account to exclude and 'Refresh Report'.
- Two pop ups will confirm the update is coming.
- The edited report will import to the LOS and can be viewed on the 'Documents' tab from the web portal.
Refining a VOA report allows Loan Officers to remove accounts from a report while requesting a refresh. Doing this will create a new VOA pdf that will be imported into the LOS. If you do not see the ability to select accounts to exclude, please have a Company Admin reach out to support to enable "Allow Users to refine reports after it has been approved."
Published: 04/30/2024 Last Update: