Occasionally, loan applications will fail to import into BYTE. There are many reasons that a loan application might not have imported, but this article will run over how to initiate the import process again through the nCino Mortgage interface.
Steps to resolve:
Follow these steps to re-push the application import to BYTE. This process can only be done from the web portal and not the mobile app.
- Pull up the “Loan Overview” page for the borrower/loan app.
- Scroll down to the activity log and check if there are any errors that are present (The two most common reasons are that the LO is not licensed in the state that the borrower selected, or the loan officer is missing the LOS username in their “Account” settings).
- If there is no error present, or it is determined that repushing the loan app to the LOS would correct the issue, click “View Loan Application”.
- Once the loan application PDF pops up, there will be options up in the top toolbar area. Select “Send to LOS”.
- After clicking the “Send to LOS” button the import process will run again and attempt to push the loan application into the LOS.
If the retry fails, it will throw an error if it runs into an issue when re-running the job. If an error is present, please screenshot the error code thrown and send this screenshot to support via Support Request Form.
If the retry is successful, you should see a green box stating that the import was successful. The page will then refresh and take you to the new loan page with the corresponding loan number that was created from the import.