How do you import credit liabilities to Encompass?
Steps to resolve:
Credit Liabilities is not an automatic process, and will require a few steps by the loan officer.
- To import credit liabilities in Encompass, go to the Borrower Summary Form in Encompass.
- From here, click on "Import Liabilities".
The Loan Officer can then modify the liabilities from the Credit Report. Once all adjustments have been made, they can click on the "Import" button to finalize the process.
- The Borrower/Co-borrower designation dropdown's will not populate once imported, these must be filled out manually. Then press “import” to finalize.
Credit Liabilities are now imported to the Encompass loan file. Currently this is a manual process, however future design may include automatic liability imports.
Additional resources:
- Example process:
see attachment below - Credit reference number will not populate into credit order screens or when running DU/LPA or modifying the credit report after importing liabilities. These will need manually added.
- Please be sure you are on plugin 23.7 release or higher