This article walks through the process of how to delete an application. For most companies, only Admins have this ability. However; depending on company permissions, Loan Officers may be able to delete applications as well.
Steps to resolve:
Application deletions can only be done from the web. At this time there are three different ways that you can delete the application, with only two accessible for the Loan Officer.
App User:
- If you are an admin, navigate to the dashboard of the LO that has the application to be deleted. If you are an LO with deletion access, pull up your own dashboard.
- Click on Contacts and then App users on the left hand side menu.
- Find the app user account for the borrower that has the application that must be deleted. Click the arrow on the left to expand the app user information.
- Scroll down and find the loan applications for the app user. Then click the three dot menu next to the application that you would like to delete.
If you are a loan officer and cannot see the delete option, this means that your company has made this functionality locked to only Admins. Contact an Admin to have it deleted. - Click Delete.
- Click okay on the confirmation pop up.
- The application is now permanently deleted.
Loan Officer's Loans Tab:
- If you are an admin, navigate to the dashboard of the LO that has the application to be deleted. If you are an LO with deletion access, pull up your own dashboard.
- Click on Loans on the left hand side menu.
- Click on the Loan applications tab.
- Find the application that you would like to delete and click on the three dot menu on the right hand of the screen.
- Choose the Delete option from that menu.
- Confirm the deletion by clicking delete on the pop up.
- The application is now permanently deleted.
Company Loans:
This method is for Admins only. Loan Officers will not have this visibility even if they have the permissions to delete applications.
- Click on the Company Loans on the left hand side menu.
- Click on the loan applications tab at the top of the screen.
- Find the application that you are wanting to delete and click the three dot menu on the right hand side of the page.
- From that menu, click delete.
- Confirm the deletion by clicking delete on the pop up.
- The application is now permanently deleted.
Applications that are in progress or submitted but not yet imported to your LOS can be deleted. If the application has been imported, there is not a way to delete it from the nCino Mortgage system. Deleting applications can be useful if the borrower accidentally creates a duplicate loan application or if the borrower requests for their application to be removed so that they can start over. Please be aware this action can not be reversed.