This article covers how to make one borrower a Power of Attorney (POA) for another borrower on the same loan file when using eClosing in Encompass.
Steps to resolve:
Power of Attorney (POA) allows an individual to legally authorize an appointed person the ability to manage their medical, financial, and property affairs on their behalf.
When using eClosing, a user can choose to give one borrower the Power of Attorney (POA) for another borrower who is on the same loan.
- In Encompass, navigate to the Borrower Vesting Form.
Double-click on the borrower who will be using a POA under the "Vesting Information" section.
Fill out the POA Fields for the borrower.
a. The text entered in the "POA Borrower" field must match the first and last name of the borrower you want to give the signature point to.