The package tracker is a wonderful tool that is useful for reports, tracking of closings, status visibility, and management of packages.
The Package Tracker is only accessible by using the web portal and is found in slightly different places based on your account type. A screenshot showing the location of the package tracker from each account type's left hand menu is shown below. If you do not have access to the package tracker tool, please reach out to nCino Mortgage support.
Admin: |
Loan Officer: |
Team Member: |
The Package Tracker contains all of the packages that were sent through the nCino system on loans that the user can access.
The package tracker has a few different ways that you can organize the information inside of it. First, the tracker is filtered by creation date. Changing the dates in the upper left of the tracker will filter the data to only packages that were created in the window selected.
Under "Refine Report" you can refine the packages by Status or Type.
By selecting one or more options under these sections, you will filter the package tracker to only show you packages that meet those conditions. Sort by will sort whatever selected results you have by the selected sorting technique.
You can also use the Search Bar to search for specific packages by any of the information on the package such as loan number, borrower name, Loan Officer, etc.
After clicking on "view details”, you will be brought into the package details page. From here, you will have access to a plethora of information that is specific to that package.”
The Package Details page has a lot of visibility and functionality that can be helpful to Closers, Admins, LOAs, Loan Officers, and more! This section will break down everything that can be done here.
Package Information:
The top section of the page has a lot of helpful information.
This section shows important dates that relate to the package. It can also be used to verify the email address of the borrower(s) who has been assigned access to the package. The three dot menu at the top of the page can be used to Reset/Retract the package, depending on the permissions set up by your company. If this menu does not show the option that you need, contact a company admin; they should be able to assist you with this.
LOS Tracking Entries:
The next section of the package details page shows the LOS Tracking information. If the package you are looking at is a one-off eSign document, this section will be mostly blank since it was created in the nCino Mortgage system, and not the LOS.
The LOS Package Name is the name of the package as it shows in the LOS, which may be different than the name in the previous section. The Info section will show you the date and time the package was sent, as well as the LOS account that sent the package to nCino Mortgage. Clicking on the document count will show you the names of all the documents that were sent to us from the LOS. Tracking data shows important dates related to the package, that have synced with the LOS. Using the ‘Re-send package updates to LOS’ button will repush any updates on the package to the LOS, and will allow them to be imported again.
Package Closing Schedule:
The Package Closing Schedule only shows for closing packages. Non-closing packages will skip this section and go right to the Task list.
The Document Date and Closing Date are both set in the LOS. The eSign window determines the date range that the package will be accessible to eSign. The package cannot be signed prior to the window opening, or after the window closes. It is possible that the window does not have an expiration though, meaning the window will not close until the package is either signed or retracted. When the window is open, ‘eSign Window Open’ will have a green check mark on the right hand side of this section. This window is set by a setting on the nCino Mortgage side. If you would like to change this, contact a company admin.
The Tasks section will list every task on the package, along with the assignee, the task type, the current task status, and all pertinent dates.
• The Task name column will tell you the name of the task. This is the same name that the task recipient will see in their portal when completing the task.
• The Task type column will show if it is an eSign task, view task, wet sign task, etc. This can give context on what the package is missing if it is unfinished.
• The Assigned to and Email columns show the name and the email for whom the task is assigned. If a borrower or recipient is saying that they cannot see the task, and their email listed here is incorrect, that would be why they cannot access. At this point, the package may need to be reset or retracted. Please contact a company admin if you are unsure which option to use.
• The Task status column will show detail about the current status of the task (ie Needs to be eSigned, eSigned, Needs to be viewed, Viewed).
• The Started column will show the timestamp from when the task recipient started this task.
• The Completed column will populate with a timestamp from when the task is completed.
Task Recipients:
Task Recipients is a summarized version of the data from the Tasks section, compiling the tasks by task recipient/assignee. This section can also be used to resend notifications to only one recipient from the three dot menu on the right hand side. A new task recipient can also be added here via the ‘+ New’ button.
Notification Logs:
The Notification Logs section allows you to see all notifications that were sent on this package as well as resend all notifications to all recipients. You can use the search bar to try to find specific notifications in the log.
The Documents section includes a lot of information about the documents in the disclosure package. The ‘Documents in Package’ tab will list all documents that were sent on the package, individually. It will show each document's name, task type, and any eSign fields that were added to the document. The three dot menu at the top of this page will allow you to download all original docs as a zip folder or a pdf, all completed docs as a zip folder or a PDF, or allow you to upload documents to the package.
The three dot menu on each document allows you to download the original doc, the completed doc, or view the doc type history. The original doc is the document that was sent to us from the LOS. The completed doc will only be available once it has been signed, and will include the recipients signature if it was eSigned. Doc type history will show any signing type changes that were made to the document (ie eSign -> Wet sign).
The ‘Replaced/Removed Docs’ tab will show if any documents have been replaced or removed from the package. Typically, you will see docs in here if a revised package was sent out, and documents were replaced or removed in that revised package. The ‘Other Docs’ tab will have docs that are added to the package, such as the Certificate of Completion. You can download these via the 3-dot menu to the right.
The ’Scanned docs’ tab will show you docs that were uploaded to the closing portal and were scanned for barcodes. You will also see the status and results of those scans in this section.
Fulfilled Disclosure Documents:
If your company has fulfillment turned on, then this section will be at the very bottom of the package tracker. It will show you shipping information if applicable and other such details. Visit Disclosures - Manual Fulfillment for more information on this.
The package tracker and package details page have a lot of helpful information about disclosure packages. Most disclosure package information can be found on either of these pages, and can be used to troubleshoot issues or even check on the status of different aspects of the package.