Why are these logs encouraged by the support team?
Recreating the issue or error code and running the Plugin debug log will help our team better understand why this issue is occurring so that we can reach a faster resolution. This article covers how to run the Plugin debug logs, which can help troubleshoot errors and issues in Encompass and the Plugin.
Due to the nature of debug logs and the information they may contain some resources about the security practices that are used to protect the content shared via form or correspondence with the support team through our ticketing platform can be found in the addition resources section.
Steps to resolve:
Anyone can run the debug logs; the process can vary based on the user's version of the plugin.
Restart Encompass.
Recreate the issue or error code.
Immediately after the error code shows, use the "Help" menu in Encompass and choose "Save nCino Mortgage Logs".
Send zipped debug logs to nCino support as an attachment.