Users can link and unlink a borrower's app user account to loan files through the nCino Mortgage web portal.
Steps to resolve:
Checking the Link Status of a borrower's account to a loan file can help troubleshoot common issues borrowers experience, including:
- Starting a new loan application instead of seeing the loan file
- Not seeing an eConsent or Disclosure task
- Seeing an old loan file that has since closed
Linking/unlinking a borrower from old or inactive files simplifies the process for borrowers who are not seeing their active loan or tasks when logging in to their account.
An Initials symbol indicates a user account is linked to that spot.
The broken chain link symbol indicates a user account has been unlinked or is not yet linked.
Link a Borrower's Account to a Loan File:
- On the loan overview go to the Members Tab
a. You can also click "View all members" from the loan overview main page to be brought to the Members Tab.
Select the 3 dot menu next to the unlinked borrower (see with a broken chain symbol) and 'link borrower account'.
a. You will be taken to a page where you can search the borrower by name or email, select, and link account.
b. IMPORTANT! You can only connect a borrower account if the account is under the Loan Officer's user list.a. If the borrower has not created an account yet, select "send welcome email" invite them to install the app.
The borrower is now linked to the file, as indicated by the Initials symbol.
- Note: co-borrower accounts should NOT be linked if they are sharing the same email as the borrower.
- QUICK TIP! On the Loan page, click the drop-down to view all loans and loan applications the user is linked to under the Loan Officer.
Unlink a Borrower's Account from a Loan File:
From the Members tab, select the 3 dot menu next to the desired borrower and 'unlink account'.
- The image will revert to the unlinked borrower icon.