Borrowers can be reminded of incomplete tasks through both push and email notifications.
Steps to resolve:
The "remind" notification is only a PUSH notification.
To send an email, especially for a disclosure task, you will need to send a reminder using the other options described below.
- This push notification is only for signing tasks.
- From the Loan overview page, select tasks, incomplete.
- Hit the remind button for that esign task.
- Optional text can be filled in.
- This is a "push" notification.
- Borrowers can turn off push notifications, preventing this reminder from being received. This is controlled on borrower's phone app settings.
Email notification:
- From the Loan overview page, select tasks, incomplete.
- Select "send reminder".
- This will send an Email notification to the borrower.
- A preview of the email to the borrower will show. Optional text can be filled in.
- For a disclosure, you can also send email notifications from the package tracker.
- Under the "notification logs" section select "resend notifications". This will remind all users with a remaining task in this package.
- To send an email to a single person on a disclosure, use the "task recipients" area.