When importing borrower uploaded documents to Encompass there is an error pop up stating "Error Importing Uploaded Docs: Failed to Convert Due to:GenericError"
Steps to resolve:
When this happens it means the borrower has uploaded documents that the Encompass eFolder cannot convert/accept. Most commonly this error is seen with PDFs of bank statements- especially ones from Chase Investments.
- The first step is to determine what documents are causing the error, look though the docs that have not uploaded to Encompass yet and look for any that look blank, corrupt or odd sized.
a. accepted file types: .pdf, .jpeg, .jpeg
b. max file size is 100MB - Locked documents can also be seen from the app user page under the borrower checklist with the locked symbol.
- Once we know the documents that Encompass cannot convert the current solution is to have the user download those effected docs from the doc inbox manually and reject them so that the rest of the docs that can be converted can be pulled in.
- For the docs that Encompass cannot convert, the user will want to save to their desktop and then "print to PDF" those file.
- Generally once the PDF is printed/resaved, the Encompass efolder will then accept it, and the user will need to manually upload these.