When trying to send eConsent for a loan the user is receiving a 500 error code stating that changes need to be saved.
Steps to resolve:
This is commonly caused by duplicating an already linked loan file in Encompass, field CX.SIMPLENEXUS.LOANID holds onto the old loans ID and gets confused between the old and new loan.
This can also be caused be issues within the borrower email.
- Go to the form within Encompass and try unlinking and then relinking the loan, this should reset the field and ensure it properly reads the correct loan ID.
- This error can also be caused by an invalid email format, please have the user check that the borrower email in encompass is a valid format with no extra spaces or characters at the end.
- Copy and pasting an email can also cause issues if there are hidden characters, ask the user to manually re-type the email in for the borrower and see if that resolves the error.
- The Loan may be in a folder that is not tracked by nCino Mortgage, move folders as needed.
- In rare cases, the other thing that can cause this is if the plugin settings are not properly enabled to send updates, the below two setting should ALWAYS be checked, if they are unchecked this can cause issues with the sync.