From within the loan, a loan officer or team member can request tasks of a borrower. These can include authorization documents such as e-consent and credit depending on the company's setup. Below shows how these can be requested.
- From the loan page select the tasks tab.
- Select 'create new task' and choose the desired authorization document to send
- Once selected the task will appear on the borrower's list and a green success box will show on screen.
- Tasks must be requested for each borrower individually.
- From the loan select the "Task" section and "add new task"
- Choose the desired authorization document and continue this process as needed.
If you do not see the option to request authorization documents from within nCino, this means the feature is not enabled for your company. If you are a loan officer please refer to your internal company admin to discuss. If you are a company admin please reach out to support so we can ensure the following settings are on as needed: