If a borrower needs to change their account information, this can be done by the loan officer or a Company Admin. The information needs to be updated in both the LOS and nCino Mortgage to match.
Steps to resolve:
Company Admins can edit the email, name and phone number of any borrower (app user).
Loan Officers can only edit their app users.
- For loan officers, edit the borrower account from the app user page.
- Access the app user page by going to 'Contacts' -> 'App Users' under a specific Loan Officer.
- Use the 3 dot menu and select 'Edit App User'
- Or Omni Search the user's email and select the three dots below the "App User" section.
From app user page - Edit the account and save by selecting OK.
Updating borrower account information can be needed for various reasons including typos, email issues, ect. Please be sure the information from the LOS and nCino matches. As an additional check you can verify on the loan in nCino Mortgage that the borrower is properly linked.